

St. John’s offers two Sunday morning services: Rite I at 8 a.m. and Rite II at 10 a.m. From September to June, we also offer a contemporary, informal Sunday evening Eucharist at 5 p.m. known as SW5. In addition, there is a midweek Eucharist at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays followed by Wednesday Faith Journey, a group committed to studying spiritual readings. Lay-led Daily Morning Prayer is offered via a private Zoom link. We also hold a number of special worship services throughout the year including All-ages Worship, Advent Lessons & Carols, Choral Evensong, Taizé, the Blessing of the Animals, and our outdoor service, Mass on the Grass.

The 8 a.m. service is quiet and contemplative; no music is played. The spoken service contains the Liturgy of the Word, followed by the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

The 10 a.m. service has a full choir, and is structured so that family members of all ages can have a meaningful worship experience. Church school is held during the first part of the service, with children joining their parents during the singing of the Offertory hymn. This service is live-streamed and available on our web page, drawing hundreds of hits each week.

A focal point in the liturgy of all services is the sermon. Discernment overwhelmingly confirmed that the thoughtful delivery of a well-developed sermon, based on the lectionary but with interpretation and application to current issues, is a vital part of St. John’s worship experience.

Discernment also highlighted the integral role that music plays in our worship experience, which is thoughtfully selected by choirmaster and organist Elisabeth “Buffy” Gray. Buffy also leads two active choirs. Four paid section leaders, who have advanced musical education or experience, anchor the adult choir. Our Chorister program for children is growing, and sings the service several times a year.

Parishioners of all ages participate in services. Active teams of lay Eucharistic Ministers, Chalice Bearers, Readers, Ushers, Acolytes, Altar Guild members, Flower Guild members, Shining Lights, Stream Team, Digital Ushers, and Counters generously give of their time every week.